Monday, 1 June 2009


Oh dear. Things did not go so well for Brodie. His plan to get power up and running again to his factory have cost him dearly. He's had to hire some "professionals" in to do the job where the local gangs have failed. He seems to have little interest in the death that was caused to the gangs - but in fact shows a degree of frustration for having to go to more trouble to sort his problems.

Nevertheless - power is now being routed through and production has started. Few people know what exactly is being produced (to be fair, few people actually care). But it has got the attention of the local authorities.

Nothing has been seen or heard of The Night Crawler since the failed mission. He was last seen fighting off close to a hundred plague zombies in the sump area. There is no sign of his corpse, but plenty of very dismembered zombie corpses.


  1. Gang leader Scroat and his brave survivors are once again searching the local settlements for new gang members, Scroat has learned from his past experiences and no longer offers health insurance to new members.
